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فَضَاء meaning in بالإنجليزية

فَضَاء m

cosmosuniverse regarded as a system with harmony and order

spacearea beyond atmosphere of planets

vacuumregion of space that contains no matter

فَضَاء العَيْنَة m

sample spaceset of all possible outcomes...

فَضَاء خَارِجِيّ

outer spaceregion

رَائِد فَضَاء m

astronautmember of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose|cosmonaut

cosmonautan astronaut, especially a Russian or Soviet one|astronaut

رَجُل فَضَاء m

astronautmember of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose|cosmonaut

cosmonautan astronaut, especially a Russian or Soviet one|astronaut

عَصْر اَلْفَضَاء m

space agecurrent historical period which started with the launch of the Sputnik

مَحَطَّة فَضَاء f

space stationcrewed artificial satellite

مَحَطَّةُ الفَضَاءِ الدُّوَلِيَّة f

International Space Stationlow-earth orbit space station

مِلَاحَة الفَضَاء f

cosmonauticsastronautics (Russian context)|astronautics

مِلَاحَة الْفَضَاء f

astronauticsscience and technology of spaceflight