العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

فَاس meaning in بالإنجليزية

فَاس m

Fezcity in Morocco


corruptin a depraved state

rottendecayed, gone bad

spoiledof food, that has deteriorated to the point of no longer being usable or edible

الفَاسِخ m

Passoverthe one-day or multi-day biblical or Jewish festival


puerperiumperiod of time following childbirth

بُورْكِينَا فَاسُو f

Burkina Fasoid=Q965|country

بِلْفَاسْت m

Belfastcapital of Northern Ireland

سِيفَاسْتُوبُول f


قِيَاس فَاسِد m

false analogyinformal fallacy

كْفَاس m

kvassfermented cereal-based low alcoholic beverage

kvassfermented cereal-based low alcoholic beverage