العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

غِي meaning in بالإنجليزية

غِي m

geename of the letter G, g

غِيبَة f

backbitingthe act of slandering a person without that person's knowledge

gossipidle talk

غِيبُون/جِبَّوْن/جِبُون m

gibbonsmall ape

غِيتَار صَوْتِيّ f

acoustic guitarhollow-body guitar

غِيتُو m

ghettoarea of a city in which Jews were concentrated

ghettoarea of a city in which Jews were concentrated


Gitegacapital of Burundi




Giresuncity in Turkey

غِيغَابَايْت m

gigabyteone billion bytes

غِيفُو m

GifuGifu, Japan

غِيك m

geekexpert in a technical field, particularly to do with computers

nerdintellectual, skillful person, generally introverted

غِيلَارْد m


غِيلِينْجِيك f


غِينِيَا اَلاِسْتِوَائِيَّة f

Equatorial Guineaid=Q983|country in Western Africa

غِينِيَّا اَلْجَدِيدَة f

New Guinealarge island

غِينِيَّا بِيسَاو f

Guinea-BissauRepublic of Guinea-Bissau

غِينْيَا f

Guineaid=Q1006|short form of the Republic of Guinea

غِيَاب m

absencestate of being away


in absentiawhile not present

غِيَار m

dressingmaterial applied to a wound

غِيَانَا اَلْفَرَنْسِيَّة f

French Guianaoverseas department

غِيَانَة f


آلَة تَشْغِيل f

machine tooltool used for machining

أَخ الصَّغِير m

younger brothermulti-word, compound-word or otherwise sum-of-parts translations

أَدِيغِيَا f

Adygearepublic of south-west Russia

أَرْخَانْغِيلْسْك m

Arkhangelskcity in Russia

أَكْثَر مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي

over and abovemore than is necessary

أَلْغِيرُو m

Algheroport town in Sardinia

أَمَازِيغِيَّة f

Berbera group of closely related languages


Berberof the Berber people

أَمَازِيغِيّ m

BerberMember of northwest African ethnic group

إِرْتِجَاج دِمَاغِيّ m

shell shockpsychiatric condition characterized by fatigue caused by battle

إِزَانَاغِي m

IzanagiJapanese creator god

الطَاغِي m

despotruler with absolute power; tyrant

النَّوْرَس أَسْوَد الظَّهْر الصَغِير

lesser black-backed gullLarus fuscus


Adyghelanguage spoken in the Republic of Adygea

بَابْوَا غِينِيَّا الْجَدِيدَة f

Papua New Guineaid=Q691|country in Oceania