العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

غَيْر meaning in بالإنجليزية



exceptintroducing a noun or noun phrase forming an exception or qualification

other thanexcept; besides

غَيْر إِنْسَانِيّ

inhumancruel and savage, not humane

غَيْر اِعْتِيَادِيّ

extremeexcessive, or far beyond the norm

غَيْر حَاسِم

indecisivenot decisive

غَيْر رَاضٍ

dissatisfiedfeeling or displaying disappointment or a lack of contentment

غَيْر صِحِّيّ

unhealthyconducive to poor health

غَيْر ضَرُورِيّ

unnecessarynot necessary

غَيْر طَبِيعِيّ

abnormalnot conforming to rule or system

غَيْر قَابِل غَسِيل m

unwashablenot washable; that cannot be washed

غَيْر قَابِلَة غَسِيلَة f

unwashablenot washable; that cannot be washed

غَيْر قَانُونِيٍّ

illegalcontrary to or forbidden by law

غَيْر مَأْلُوف

unfamiliarnot familiar

غَيْر مَرْئِيّ

invisibleunable to be seen

غَيْر مَسْبُوق

unprecedentednever before seen or done, without precedent

غَيْر مَشْرُوط

unconditionalwithout conditions

غَيْر مَعْقُول m

ungodly(''informal'') extreme; unreasonable

غَيْر مَلْمُوس

intangibleincapable of being perceived

غَيْر مَنْسِيّ

unforgettablevery difficult or impossible to forget

غَيْر مُؤْلِم

painlesswithout pain or trouble

غَيْر مُبَالِي

carelessnot giving sufficient attention or thought

غَيْر مُبْهَم

unambiguousclear, and having no uncertainty or ambiguity

غَيْر مُتَزَوِّج

singlenot married nor dating

غَيْر مُتَكَافِئ m

asymmetricalnot symmetrical

غَيْر مُتَكَافِئَة f

asymmetricalnot symmetrical

غَيْر مُتَمَاثِل m

asymmetricalnot symmetrical

غَيْر مُتَمَاثِلَة f

asymmetricalnot symmetrical

غَيْر مُتَوَاجِد

offlineof a system, not connected to a larger network

غَيْر مُتَّصِل

offlineof a system, not connected to a larger network

غَيْر مُرِيح

uncomfortablenot comfortable

غَيْر مُصَمَّم


غَيْر مُكْتَرِث

cavaliernot caring enough about something important

غَيْر مُنْصَرِف m

diptotea noun which has only two cases

غَيْر مُهَذِّب


غَيْر نِظَامِيّ

stronggrammar: irregular

غَيْرَة f

jealousyjealous attitude (e.g. fear of infidelity)

غَيْرُ ظَاهِر

inconspicuousnot prominent or easily noticeable

غَيْرُ مُعْدٍ

noninfectiousnot infectious

غَيْرُونْتُوقْرَاطِيَّة f

gerontocracygovernment by elders