العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

غَسِيل meaning in بالإنجليزية

غَسِيل m

laundrylaundering; washing

غَسِيل أَمْوَال m

money launderingact of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally

غَسِيل دِمَاغ m

brain-washingform of indoctrination

غَسِيل مُخّ m

brain-washingform of indoctrination

غَيْر قَابِل غَسِيل m

unwashablenot washable; that cannot be washed

غَيْر قَابِلَة غَسِيلَة f

unwashablenot washable; that cannot be washed

قَابِل غَسِيل

washablecapable of being washed without being damaged

قَابِلَة غَسِيلَة f

washablecapable of being washed without being damaged

مَسْحُوق غَسِيل m

washing powderpowder for washing clothes