العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

عَدَّ meaning in بالإنجليزية


considerassign some quality to

countto enumerate or determine number

عَدَّاء m

runnersomebody who runs, who moves at a fast pace

عَدَّاءَة f

runnersomebody who runs, who moves at a fast pace

عَدَّاد m

counterobject used in counting

taximeterdevice in a taxicab that calculates the fare

عَدَّاد الوَقُود m

fuel gaugemeasuring instrument

عَدَّاد تَاكْسِي m

taximeterdevice in a taxicab that calculates the fare

عَدَّاد جَايْجَر m

Geiger counterdevice

عَدَّاد غَايْغَر m

Geiger counterdevice

عَدَّادُ المَسَافَات m

odometerinstrument in a vehicle


editto change a text, or a document


prepareto make ready for a specific future purpose


prepareto make oneself ready

مُتَعَدَّد خيط خُيُوط

multithreadedapplication having more than one thread of execution

مُتَعَدَّد مؤشرة مُؤَشِّرَات تَرَابُط

multithreadedapplication having more than one thread of execution

مُتَعَدَّد مؤشرة مُؤَشِّرَات

multithreadedapplication having more than one thread of execution

مُعَدَّات p

equipmentwhatever is used in equipping


alteredhaving been changed

averageconstituting or relating to the average

مُعَدَّل m

averageany measure of central tendency

averagearithmetic mean

ratethe proportional relationship between one amount, value etc. and another

مُعَدَّل الاِسْتِقْلَاب الْأَسَاسِيّ m

basal metabolic rateamount of energy expended while at rest

مُعَدَّل الْأَيْض الْأَسَاسِيّ m

basal metabolic rateamount of energy expended while at rest

مُعَدَّل الْأَيْض الْقَاعِدِيّ m

basal metabolic rateamount of energy expended while at rest

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