العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

عَادَ meaning in بالإنجليزية


come back(''intransitive'') To return to a place

returnto come or go back

عَادَات اَلْأَكْل f

eating habitregular consumption of certain foods

عَادَة f

customfrequent repetition of the same act

habitan action done on a regular basis

عَادَة سِرِّيَّة f

masturbationmanual erotic stimulation of the genitals


commonlyas a rule; usually

customarilyin the customary way

habituallyoccurring regularly or usually

normallyunder normal conditions or circumstances; usually; most of the time

usuallymost of the time


repeatdo or say again

returnto give something back to its original holder or owner

إِعَادَة f

repetitionact or an instance of repeating or being repeated

إِعَادَة تَأْهِيل f

terraformingplanetary engineering

إِعَادَة مَال f

refundamount of money returned

إِعَادَةُ بَيْع f

resalesale of something previously bought

إِعَادَةُ تَأْمِين f

reinsuranceinsurance purchased by insurance companies

إِعَادَةُ تَأْهِيل f


إِعَادَةْ تَدْوِير f

recycleto break down and reuse component materials

recyclingthe practice of sorting and collecting waste materials for new use

إِعَادَةْ تَوْحِيد f

reunificationthe unification of something that was previously divided; used especially of a country


restoreto bring back to a previous condition or state

اِسْتِعَادَة f

recoveryact or process of regaining or repossession of something lost

اِسْتِعَادَة كُلِّيَّة f

apocatastasisthe doctrine that an apocalypse will lead to the remaking of the world rather than a Final Judgment


happilyin a happy manner

سَعَادَة f

happinessid=Q8|emotion of being happy

قَعَادَة f

chamber pota container used for urination and defecation|urinal|chemical toilet

قَعَادَة طِفْل

pottychildren's chamberpot


as usualas is usually the case

مَارَسَ الْعَادَة السِّرِّيَّة

masturbateto masturbate

مُعَادَاة أَمْرِيكَا f

anti-Americanismthe fear or dislike of the United States or American people, policies, culture or government

مُعَادَاة أَمْرِيكِيّ f

anti-Americanopposing America

مُعَادَاة السَّامِيَّة f

anti-Semitismprejudice or hostility against Jews

مُعَادَاة الصَهْيُونِيَّة f

anti-ZionismOpposition to Zionism

مُعَادَاة الصُهْيُونِيَّة f

anti-ZionismOpposition to Zionism

مُعَادَاة الصِهْيَوْنِيَّة f

anti-ZionismOpposition to Zionism

مُعَادَاة الصِهْيُونِيَّة f

anti-ZionismOpposition to Zionism

مُعَادَاة الْفَاشِيَّة f

anti-fascismthe opposition to fascist ideologies

مُعَادَاة اَلْعَرَب f

Arabophobiathe fear, hate or dislike of Arabs