العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

شَيْخ meaning in بالإنجليزية

شَيْخ m

chiefhead of an organization

chiefleader of group, etc.

old manelderly man

patriarchmale leader

sheikGulf countries: official title for members of the royal family

sheikIslamic religious clergy

sheikleader of an Arab village, family or small tribe

شَيْخ النَّار m

Luciferfigure mentioned in Isaiah 14:12

شَيْخُوخَة f

agingthe process of becoming older or more mature

old agelatter part of life

قُصُوُّ البَصَرِ الشَيْخُوخِيّ m

presbyopiainability of the eye, due to ageing, to focus on nearby objects

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