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سَلَام meaning in بالإنجليزية


byeshort for goodbye|goodbye


hifriendly, informal greeting

salaama Muslim greeting

سَلَام m

peaceharmony; lack of conflict in personal relations

peacestate of being free from war

peacetranquility, quiet, harmony; absence of violence

سَلَامَة f

healthstate of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction

integrityquality or condition of being complete; pure

integritystate of being wholesome; unimpaired

safetycondition or feeling of being safe

securitycondition of not being threatened

سَلَامِي m


سَلَامِيَّة f

pacifismdoctrine that disputes should be settled without violence

اُرْقُد فِي سَلَام

rest in peaceblessing or expression of hope


safelyin a safe manner

حِفْظ سَلَام m

peacekeepingpreserving peace

صَانِع سَلَام m

pacifierone who pacifies

صَانِعَة سَلَام f

pacifierone who pacifies

مُعَاهَدَة سَلَام f

peace treatyan agreement to end fighting or conflict