العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

سَبَب meaning in بالإنجليزية

سَبَب m

causesource or reason of an event or action

purposereason for doing something

reasonthat which causes: a cause

سَبَب الْوُجُود m

raison d'êtrereason for being

سَبَب مَوْت m

cause of deathofficial cause of a human death

سَبَب وَفَاة m

cause of deathofficial cause of a human death


causalityagency of cause


because ofon account of, by reason of, for the purpose of

due tocaused by

on account ofbecause of, owing to

what withowing to


by dint ofby the force of; by means of|by means of

by virtue ofbecause of

owing tobecause of