العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

زَوْج meaning in بالإنجليزية

زَوْج m

husbandmale partner in marriage

husbandto conserve

pairtwo similar or identical things

spouseperson in a marriage or marital relationship

زَوْج الْأُمّ m

stepfatherhusband of one's biological mother, other than one's biological father

زَوْج اَلاِبْنَة m


زَوْجةُ الخال

aunta parent's sister or sister-in-law

زَوْجةُ العَمّ

aunta parent's sister or sister-in-law

زَوْجَانِ d

coupletwo partners

husband and wifehusband and wife|married couple

زَوْجَة f

spouseperson in a marriage or marital relationship

wifemarried woman

زَوْجَة اَلاِبْن f

daughter-in-lawwife of one's child

زَوْجَةُ الْأَب f

stepmotherwife of one's biological father, not one's biological mother

زَوْجَةْ إِمِبْرَاطُور f

empresswife or widow of an emperor

زَوْجُ الخالة m

unclebrother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent

زَوْجُ العَمّة m

unclebrother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent


evenarithmetic: divisible by two

أُخْت زَوْج f

sister-in-lawhusband's sister

أُخْت زَوْجَة f

sister-in-lawwife's sister

خِيانة زَوْجِيَّة f

adulterysexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse

شَقِيق زَوْج m

brother-in-lawbrother of one's husband

شَقِيق زَوْجَة m

brother-in-lawbrother of one's husband

عَدَد زَوْجِيّ m

even numberpositive integer that can be divided by two