العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

رِيف meaning in بالإنجليزية

رِيف m

countrythe country, rural area, as opposed to the town or city

countrysidearea outside of towns and cities, or such part of a larger area


countryof, from or pertaining to the countryside ''(adjective)''

أَدَاة التَّعْرِيف f

articlepart of speech that specifies a noun

أَنْتَانَانَارِيفُو m


اَلتَّصْرِيفُ ٱلصَّوْتِيُّ m

phonologystudy of the way sounds function in languages

بِطَاقَة تَعْرِيف f

identity cardidentity card

تَصْرِيف m

conjugationact of conjugating a verb

conjugationin some languages, one of several classifications of verbs

declensionway of categorizing

drainageremoval of fluid

morphologylinguistic study of the form and structure

تَصْرِيف الْأَسْمَاء m

declensionway of categorizing

تَصْرِيف الْأَفْعَال m

conjugationact of conjugating a verb

تَعَارِيف p

tariffa schedule of rates, fees or prices

tariffduties imposed


introductionmeans of presenting one person to another

تَعْرِيف m

definitionstatement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol

خَرِيف m


خَرِيفِيّ m

autumnalof or relating to autumn

رَقْم التَّعْرِيف الشَّخْصِيّ m

PINpersonal identification number

شَخْص رِيفِيّ أَحْمَق m

country bumpkinunsophisticated person from a rural area


noblehaving honorable qualities

shariftraditional Arab tribal title given to those who serve as the protector of the tribe and all tribal assets

شَرِيف m

sheriffall meanings


elegantexhibiting elegance

gracefulshowing grace

عَرِيف m

sergeantnon-commissioned officer rank

كَرِيفُون m


كْرِيفُون m


كْرِيفِي رِيه

Kryvyi Rihcity

Kryvyi Rihcity


expenditureamount expended

مَصَارِيف p

expensea spending or consuming; disbursement; expenditure

outlaythe spending of money, or an expenditure

مِلَفَّات تَعْرِيف الِارْتِبَاط f-p

HTTP cookiepacket of information



هَرِيفْنَا f

hryvniaUkrainian currency

هْرِيفْنَا f

hryvniaUkrainian currency

وَزَّعَ الْمَصَارِيف

go Dutchsplit the cost