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رِسَالَة meaning in بالإنجليزية



رِسَالَة f


epistleletter, especially one which is formal or issued publicly|letter

epistleone of the books of the New Testament which was originally a letter issued by an apostle

letterwritten message

messagecommunication, concept or information conveyed

SMSa text message sent on a cell phone

texta brief written message transmitted between mobile phones

text messagea brief electronic message

treatisesystematic discourse on some subject

رِسَالَة إِس إِم إِس f

SMSa text message sent on a cell phone

texta brief written message transmitted between mobile phones

text messagea brief electronic message

رِسَالَة إِلِكْتْرُونِيّّة f

emailmessage sent through email an email system

رِسَالَة خَطٰأ f

error messagemessage displayed when a failure condition occurs

رِسَالَة صَوْتِيَّة f

voice messagemessage left on a voice mail system

رِسَالَة يُوحَنَّا

Johnone of the epistles of John

رِسَالَةُ حُبٍّ f

love letterletter about the author's love

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