العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

رُوك meaning in بالإنجليزية

رُوك m

rockstyle of music

rockstyle of music

rock musicpopular music genre

rock musicpopular music genre

رُوك أَنْد رُول m

rock and rollstyle of music

rock and rollstyle of music

إِلِكْتْرُوكَارْدِيُوغْرَام m

electrocardiogramtrace of an electrocardiograph

بَارُوكَة f

wighead of artificial hair

بْرُوكُلِي m

broccoliplant ''Brassica oleracea'' var. ''italica''

بْرُوكْسِل f

Brusselscapital city of Belgium

جِبَال رُوكِي m-p

Rocky Mountainsmountain range

شَرُوكِين m



fisherperson who fishes

فْرُوكْتِيدُور m

Fructidorthe twelfth month of the French Republican Calendar

كُرُنْب بْرُوكْسِل m

Brussels sproutvegetable


congratulationsexpressing approbation

مَتْرُوك m

abandonedno longer maintained, forsaken, deserted

مَجْمُوعَة رُوك f

rock groupmusical group specializing in rock music


chloroquine4-aminoquinoline drug