العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

دَار meaning in بالإنجليزية

دَار f

buildingclosed structure with walls and a roof

countryregion of land

دَار الْأَيْتَام f

orphanagea residential institution for the care and protection of orphans

دَار اَلسَّلَام f

Dar es Salaamcity

دَار شَاي f

teahousea cafe that sells tea

دَار عَجَزَة f

retirement homemulti-residence housing facility intended for the elderly

دَار فُور f

Darfurregion in western Sudan where the Fur live

دَار فِلْفِل m

long pepper''Piper longum'', or its fruit

دَار مُسِنِّين f

retirement homemulti-residence housing facility intended for the elderly

دَار نَشْر f

publisherone who publishes, especially books|publishing house

publishing housecompany that produces books|publisher


turnmove around an axis through itself

دَارَا m

Dariusany of several Persian kings

دَارَة f

villaa house used as a retreat


colloquialof oral communication language

دَارِجَة f

colloquialismcolloquial expression

slangunconventional language

دَارِيُوس m

Dariusany of several Persian kings

دَارِيُوش m

Dariusmale given name

دَارْث فِيدَر

Darth VaderSith alter ego of Anakin Skywalker

دَارْفِلْفِل m

long pepper''Piper longum'', or its fruit


dharmaprinciple that orders the universe


darmstadtiumtransuranic chemical element with atomic number 110

دَارْوِين m

Darwincity in Australia



Darwinianof or pertaining to the scientific views advanced by Charles Darwin, especially his theory that living organisms evolve through natural selection


manageto direct or be in charge

rotateto spin, turn, or revolve something

turnmove around an axis through itself

أَدَارَ عَيْنْ عَيْنَيْهِ

roll one's eyesturn one's eyes upwards

أَمُو دَارْيَا f

Amu Daryariver

إدَارَةُ الْحُقُوقِ الرَقَمِيَّة

digital rights management

إِدَارَة f

administrationthe act of administering

managementadministration; the process or practice of managing

إِدَارَة الْمَرْكَبَات f

DMVdepartment of motor vehicles

إِدَارَة تَنْفِيذِيَّة

administrationthe executive part of government

إِصْدَار m

versioncomputing: particular revision


turn aroundto physically rotate horizontally 360 degrees


ryethe grass ''Secale cereale'' or its grains as food

جَدَارَة f

meritclaim to commendation or a reward