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حِمَار meaning in بالإنجليزية



jackassmale donkey

حِمَار m

donkeya domestic animal|ass

donkeya fool

jackmale ass (the animal)

حِمَار الزَّرَد m

zebraAfrican animal

حِمَار بَرِّيّ m

wild assmammal

حِمَار وَحْش m

wild assmammal

حِمَار وَحْشِيّ m

zebraAfrican animal

حِمَار وَحْشِيّ مُخَطَّط m

zebraAfrican animal

حِمَارَة f

she-assfemale ass, female donkey, jenny

حِمَارِيّ m

asinineof or relating to a donkey

خَسّ الْحِمَار m

buglossany of several plants in the borage family

دَوْسَة الْحِمَار

coltsfoot''Tussilago farfara''

فَقُّوس الْحِمَار m

squirting cucumber''Ecballium elaterium''

قِثَّاء الْحِمَار m

squirting cucumber''Ecballium elaterium''