العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

حِسَاب meaning in بالإنجليزية


mathematicsfield of study

حِسَاب m

accounta registry of pecuniary transactions

accountan authorization to use a service


checkbill, particularly at a restaurant|bill

حِسَاب اَلْمُثَلَثَات m

trigonometrybranch of mathematics

حِسَاب جَارٍ m

current accountchecking account

حِسَاب مَدِين m

accounts receivabletotal monetary amount

حِسَاب مَصْرَفِيّ m

bank accountfund deposited by a customer for safekeeping in a bank

دَفْتَر حِسَابَات m

account booka book in which accounts are kept

cashbooka book used to record amounts of money received or paid out

عَلَى حِسَابِ

at the cost of

at the expense ofin a way as to harm somebody or something

at the expense ofpaid for by an individual or group

عِلْم حِسَاب اَلْمُثَلَثَات m

trigonometrybranch of mathematics

مُتَتَالِيَةٌ حِسَابِيَّة f

arithmetic progressionsequence

يَوْم الْحِسَاب m

doomsdayday when God is expected to judge the world

judgement dayfinal trial of all humankind at the end of the world