العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

حَيَاة meaning in بالإنجليزية

حَيَاة f

lifestylestyle of living

livingstyle of life

way of lifestyle of living

اَلْحَيَاة اَلْبَرِّيَّة f

wildlifeanimals and plants in their natural environment

تَأْمِين عَلَى اَلْحَيَاة m

life insuranceform of insurance

جَوْدَة الْحَيَاة f

quality of lifegeneral well-being of individuals and societies

سَجْن مَدَى اَلْحَيَاة m

life sentencesentence of imprisonment for the rest of the defendant's life

طَرِيقَة فِي حَيَاة f

lifestylestyle of living

livingstyle of life

way of lifestyle of living

مَأْمُول اَلْحَيَاة m

life expectancythe amount of time one is expected to live

مَعْنَى اَلْحَيَاة m

meaning of lifehypothetical answer to life’s ultimate questions

نَمَط حَيَاة m

lifestylestyle of living

livingstyle of life

way of lifestyle of living