العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

حَم meaning in بالإنجليزية


absorbto endure

endureto tolerate something


showerto bathe using a shower

تَحَمُّل m

patiencequality of being patient

staminapower of sustained exertion

toleranceability to endure pain or hardship|endurance

تَحْتَ اَلْحَمْرَاء

infraredhaving the wavelength in the infrared

حَدَأَة حَمْرَاء f

red kite''Milvus milvus''

حَرَكَة حَمَاس f

HamasPalestinian militant group

ذِئْبَة حَمَامِيَّة مَجْمُوعِيَّة f

systemic lupus erythematosussystemic autoimmune disease

ذِئْبَة حَمْرَاء f

systemic lupus erythematosussystemic autoimmune disease

رِدَاء الْحَمَّام m

bathrobeterrycloth robe

رِعْي الْحَمَام m

vervain''Verbena'' or specifically ''Verbena officinalis''

قَصْرُ الْحَمْرَاءْ m

Alhambrapalace in Granada, Spain

قُوَّةُ تَحَمُّل f

staminapower of sustained exertion

كُرَيَّةُ دَمٍ حَمْرَاء f

red blood cellhaemoglobin-carrying blood cell in vertebrates


weldto join materials (especially metals) by applying heat

لِسَان الْحَمَل m

plantainsmall plant

مَطَر حَمْضِيّ m

acid rainunusually acidic rain

مَلحَمَة f

sagalong epic story

مَلْحَمَة f

epicextended narrative poem

epopeean epic, saga


epicof, or relating to, an epic


excitedhaving great enthusiasm and energy

zealousfull of zeal; ardent

مُتَحَمِّس m

avidenthusiastic; passionate

zealotzealous person

zestfulhaving a spirited love of life


Joestereotypical male given name

مُحَمَّد m

Muhammadthe prophet who introduced Islam

مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَبْدِ ٱللّٰهِ m

Muhammadthe prophet who introduced Islam



مُحَمِصَّة f

toasterdevice for toasting bread

مُحَمِّصَة خُبْز f

toasterdevice for toasting bread

نَبْتَة الْحَمَل التَّتَارِيَّة

vegetable lamblegendary plant believed to grow sheep from its branches

وَرَق حَمَّام m

toilet paperpaper to clean oneself after defecation or urination

وَصْلَة حَمْرَاء f

red link


bless yousaid to somebody who has sneezed

God bless yousaid to somebody who has sneezed

يَرْحَمْكُم اللّٰه

bless yousaid to somebody who has sneezed