العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

حَطَّ meaning in بالإنجليزية


putto place something somewhere

حَطَّاب m

lumberjackperson who fells trees

woodcutterperson who cuts wood

حَطَّة f

keffiyehArabian headdress


crashcomputing: to terminate unexpectedly

crashto collide, fall or come down violently

مَحَطَّة f

railway stationplace where trains stop

stationplace where a vehicle may stop

مَحَطَّة إِذَاعِيَّة f

radio stationbroadcast station emitting an audio signal

stationplace used for broadcasting

مَحَطَّة السِّكَك الْحَدِيدِيَّة f

railway stationplace where trains stop

مَحَطَّة بَاص f

bus stopa stop for public transport buses

مَحَطَّة بَنْزِين f

gas stationan establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car

مَحَطَّة تَاكْسِيَات f

taxi standplace for taxicabs to wait

مَحَطَّة تِلِفِزْيُون f

television stationstudio from where a television channel is broadcasted

مَحَطَّة حَافِلَات f

bus stationmajor bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes

مَحَطَّة سَيَّارَات أُجْرَة f

taxi standplace for taxicabs to wait

مَحَطَّة طَاقَة f

power stationan industrial complex where electricity is produced

مَحَطَّة عَمَل f

workstationpowerful desktop computer

مَحَطَّة فَضَاء f

space stationcrewed artificial satellite

مَحَطَّة قِطَار f

railway stationplace where trains stop

مَحَطَّة وَقُود f

gas stationan establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car

مَحَطَّةُ الفَضَاءِ الدُّوَلِيَّة f

International Space Stationlow-earth orbit space station