العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

حد meaning in بالإنجليزية

حد أدنى للأجور

minimum wagelowest rate at which an employer must legally pay an employee

حدة الجرثوم

virulencethe state of being virulent

ألف وواحد

one thousand and onethe figure 1,001

بطة حديدية

ferruginous duckAythya nyroca


updateaction of making something up to date

جزر العذراء التابعة الولايات المتحدة f-p

United States Virgin Islandsa US overseas territory in the Caribbean

حَرْس حد الْحُدُود

border guarda national agency that enforces the security of the country's national borders

سمك الحدوق

haddockmarine fish

علم تحديد أعمار الأشجار

dendrochronologyscience of counting tree rings


aloneby oneself

by oneselfwithout help


up-to-datecurrent; recent

هل من أحد هنا؟

hellois anyone there?

واحدة بواحدة

quid pro quosomething offered or asked in exchange for something else

وحدة تزويد الطاقة

power supplya source of power such as a generator

وحدَة f

onenessstate of being undivided

وحدَة المعالجَة المَرْكَزِيَّة f

central processing unitpart of a computer

وحدَة تعريف المشترك f

Subscriber Identity Modulecomponent on a SIM card that stores information to identify a mobile phone user