العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

جِي meaning in بالإنجليزية

تَرْجِيس m

sacrilegedesecration, profanation, misuse or violation of something sacred

تَسْجِيل m

check-inact of checking in

recordinformation put into a lasting physical medium

recordingreproduction stored in a permanent medium

registrationthe act of signing up or registering for something

تَسْجِيل دُخُول m

loginlogging in

تَشْجِيع m

cheerleadingphysical activity

تَفْجِير m

bombingaction of dropping bombs from the air

detonationan explosion

explosionviolent release of energy


upholsteringThe padding, springs, webbing, and the application of upholstery to furniture

upholsterycraft or business of upholstering furniture

تَنَوُّع البِيُولُوجِيّ

biodiversitydiversity of flora and fauna

تَنْجِيم m

astrologystar divination

تَنْجِيمِيَّة f

occultsupernatural affairs

تَهْجِين m

hybridizationact of hybridizing

تُرُنْجِيَّة f

lemon verbenashrub


petalone of the component parts of the corolla of a flower

تِكْنُولُوجِيَا اَلْمَعْلُومَات f

information technologythe practice of creating and/or studying computer systems and applications

تِمْثَال ثَلْجِيّ m

snowmanfigure made of snow


tragiccausing great sadness

تْرَاجِيدْيَا f

tragedydrama or similar work

tragedygenre of such works, and the art of producing them

تْيَانْجِين m

Tianjincity in China


snowymarked by snow

جَاوُرْجِيُوس m

Georgemale given name

جَبَل فُوجِي m

Mount Fujithe highest mountain in Japan

جَرْجِير m-p


جُمْهُورِيَّة جِيبُوتِي f

Republic of Djiboutiid=Q977|Djibouti

جُمْهُورِيَّة نيِجِيرِيَا الاِتِّحَادِيَّة f

Federal Republic of Nigeriaid=Q1033|official name of Nigeria

جُورْجِيَّة f

Georgianlanguage of the country of Georgia

Georgianperson from the country of Georgia


Georgianpertaining to the country, people or language of Georgia

جُورْجِيّ m

Georgianperson from the country of Georgia

جِنْس شَرَجِيّ m

anal sexsex involving the anus

جِنْس شَرَجِيّ-فَمَوِيّ

anilingusoral stimulation of the anus

حَجَر جِيرِيّ m

limestoneabundant rock of marine and fresh-water sediments

حَلِيب النَارَجِيل m

coconut milkthe liquid from inside the seed of the coconut

حُدُود خَارِجِيَّة

profileoutermost shape

حُقْنَة شَرَجِيَّة f

enemainjection of fluid into the rectum