العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

جِيل meaning in بالإنجليزية


generationperiod of around thirty years

generationsingle step in the succession of natural descent

جِيلَاتُو m

gelatoItalian-style ice cream

جِيلَاتِي m

gelatoItalian-style ice cream

جِيلَاتِين m

gelatinprotein derived through partial hydrolysis of the collagen

gelatinprotein derived through partial hydrolysis of the collagen

جِيلَاتِيّ m

ice creamdessert

جِيلَارْد m


جِيلُونْغ m

Keelunga city in Taiwan

جِيلِين m

Jilinprovince of China

آلَة تَسْجِيل نَقْد f

cash registermachine

أَرْخَانْجِيلْسْك m

Arkhangelskcity in Russia


biblicalof or relating to the Bible

إِنْجِيل m

good newsthe message of Jesus concerning the salvation of the faithful

gospelfirst section of New Testament

إِنْجِيل مَتَّى

Matthewgospel of Matthew

إِنْجِيل مَتَّى m

Matthewgospel of Matthew

إِنْجِيل يُوحَنَّا m

Johnfourth gospel

إِنْجِيلِيّ m

evangelistwriter of a gospel

تَأْجِيل m

procrastinationact of postponing, delaying or putting off

تَسْجِيل m

check-inact of checking in

recordinformation put into a lasting physical medium

recordingreproduction stored in a permanent medium

registrationthe act of signing up or registering for something

تَسْجِيل دُخُول m

loginlogging in

حَلِيب النَارَجِيل m

coconut milkthe liquid from inside the seed of the coconut

دُهْن النَارَجِيل m

coconut oiltype of cooking oil extracted from coconuts

لَوْحَةُ تَسْجِيلٍ مَرْكَبَةٍ f

license platean identifying plate attached to a vehicle

مَاء النَارَجِيل m

coconut waterclear liquid found inside immature coconuts

نَارْجِيل f

coconutfruit of coco palm

نَارْجِيلَة f


وِيد–جِيلْز m

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