العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

جِسْم meaning in بالإنجليزية

جِسْم m

bodyphysical structure of a human or animal

fuselagemain body of aerospace vehicle

matternon-antimatter matter

torsobody excluding the head and limbs

جِسْم صَنَوْبَرِيّ m

pineal glandsmall endocrine gland

جِسْم طَائِرَة m

fuselagemain body of aerospace vehicle

جِسْم كَهْفِيّ m

corpus cavernosumbody of erectile tissue

جِسْم مُضَادّ

antibodyprotein that binds to a specific antigen


physicalhaving to do with the body; corporeal

مُؤَشِّر كُتْلَة جِسْم m

body mass indexthe measure of the weight in comparison with the height of a person