العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

جَو meaning in بالإنجليزية


atmospheremood or feeling

جَو m

atmospheregases surrounding the Earth

جَوَاب m


replywritten or spoken response

جَوَابُ الشَّرْط m

apodosisthe consequential clause in a conditional sentence

جَوَاد m

stallionuncastrated male horse

جَوَارِب m-p

sockcovering for the foot

stockinggarment (for translations of "sock", see [[sock]])

جَوَاز m

passdocument granting permission to pass or to go and come

passpermission or license to pass, or to go and come

جَوَاز سَفَر m

passportofficial document for foreign travel

جَوَاهِرِيَّة f

jewelera person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry

جَوَاهِرِيّ m

jewelera person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry

جَوَّال m

mobile phoneportable telephone

nomadicof or relating to any habitually wandering person

peddleritinerant seller of small goods


aerialtaking place in the air

جَوّ m

mid-airmiddle of the air

weatherstate of the atmosphere

جَوْدَة f

qualitylevel of excellence

جَوْدَة الْحَيَاة f

quality of lifegeneral well-being of individuals and societies


injusticeabsence of justice

جَوْر m

abusecorrupt practice

injusticeviolation of the rights of another

جَوْرَب m

sockcovering for the foot

stockinggarment (for translations of "sock", see [[sock]])



جَوْز الكَاجُو m

cashew nutthe seed of the cashew tree

جَوْز الْبَرَازِيل m

brazil nutnut

brazil nuttree

جَوْز الْقَيْء m

nux vomicafruit of the strychnine tree

nux vomicastrychnine tree

جَوْز الْهِنْد

coconutfruit of coco palm

جَوْز جَنْدَم m


جَوْزَة f

nuthard-shelled fruit

جَوْزَةُ اَلْهِنْد f

coconutfruit of coco palm

جَوْزَةْ اَلطِّيب f


جَوْزَل m

squabbaby pigeon or dove


hungryaffected by hunger; desirous of food

جَوْف m



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