العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

جَبَل meaning in بالإنجليزية

جَبَل m

mountainlarge mass of earth and rock

جَبَل آثُوس m

Mount AthosMount Athos

جَبَل إِتْنَا m

Etnavolcano in Sicily, Italy

جَبَل إِفْرِسْت m

Mount Everestworld’s highest mountain above sea level, located in the Himalayas

جَبَل الزَّيْتُون m

Mount of Olivesmountain ridge

جَبَل النَار m

Etnavolcano in Sicily, Italy

جَبَل اَلْعَانَة

mons pubisfleshy protuberance over the pubic bones

جَبَل جَلِيد m

iceberghuge mass of floating ice

جَبَل جَلِيدِيّ m

iceberghuge mass of floating ice

جَبَل طَارِق m

GibraltarBritish overseas territory

جَبَل فُوجِي m

Mount Fujithe highest mountain in Japan

جَبَل كَي ٢

K2the world’s second highest mountain

جَبَل مُوسَىٰ


جَبَلُ النَّار m

volcanomountain containing a magma chamber


mountainoushaving many mountains

جَبَلِيّ m

highlanderinhabitant of highlands

إِكْلِيل الْجَبَل m


إِكْلِيل اَلْجَبَل m

Rosemaryfemale given name

إِيل جَبَل m

Elagabalusa Roman emperor|Heliogabalus

Heliogabalusa Roman emperor|Elagabalus

الْجَبَل الْأَسْوَد f

Montenegroid=Q236|country in Europe

ذُنْيَان جَبَلِيّ m

lady's mantlea herb

زَبِيب الْجَبَل m

stavesacreperennial plant

صِرْبِيَا وَالْجَبَل اَلْأَسْوَد

Serbia and Montenegroid=Q37024|former country on the Balkan Peninsula

عَائِق جَبَلِيّ m

stavesacreperennial plant

مَضِيق جَبَل طَارِق m

Strait of GibraltarStrait of Gibraltar