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تَأْثِير meaning in بالإنجليزية

تَأْثِير m

effectresult of an action

impressionoverall effect of something

influenceaction exerted by a person or thing with power to cause change

influencepower to affect, control or manipulate

تَأْثِير المُؤَسَّسَة m

founder effectlessening of genetic variation when the entire population descends from a small number of founders

تَأْثِير المُؤَسِّس m

founder effectlessening of genetic variation when the entire population descends from a small number of founders

تَأْثِير الْفَرَاشَة m

butterfly effecttechnical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory

تَأْثِير مُوتْسَارْت m

Mozart effectsupposed phenomenon by which listening to Mozart induces improvement in mental performance

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