العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

بْرِي meaning in بالإنجليزية

بْرِي m

briemild French cheese

بْرِيتُورِيَا f

Pretoriaadministrative capital of South Africa

بْرِيدْج m

bridgecard game

بْرِيدْج تَاوْن f

Bridgetowncapital of Barbados

بْرِيزْبِين m

BrisbaneCapital of Queensland, Australia

بْرِيسْت f

Bresta city in Belarus

Bresta city in Belarus

بْرِيسْت m

Bresta city in Brittany

Bresta city in Brittany

بْرِيسْتُول m

Bristolcity in south-west England


Presleytransliterations of the English name "Presley"

Presleytransliterations of the English name "Presley"

بْرِيك m

BRICBrazil, Russia, India, and China

بْرِيمُورْسْكِي كْرَاي m

Primorsky Kraifederal subject of Russia

بْرِيمِن m



Pringleindividual potato snack of the Pringles brand

أَبْرِيل m

Aprilfourth month of the Gregorian calendar

أَسَد بَبْرِيّ m

ligeranimal born to a male lion and a tigress


ibrikA long-spouted pitcher

إِبْرِيق m

ewerwidemouthed pitcher

jugserving vessel

pitcherA wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids

إِبْرِيق الشَّاي m

teapotvessel for tea

الْعِبْرِيَّة f

Hebrewlanguage|Biblical Hebrew

بَابْرِيكَا f

paprikaground spice

تَبْرِير m

apologyformal justification, defence

justificationreason, explanation, or excuse



Gabrielmale given name

سَاو تُومِي وبْرِينْسِيب

São Tomé and Príncipeid=Q1039|Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe

عُود كِبْرِيت m

matchdevice to make fire


Hebrewpertaining to the language

Hebrewpertaining to the people

عِبْرِيّ m


عِلَاج بِالتَّبْرِيد

cryotherapyuse of low temperatures in medical therapy

غْرَان بْرِي m

Grand Prixany of several international races, especially one of a series for Formula One racing cars

قُلُبْرِيَالَّة f

dragonwort''Dracunculus vulgaris''

كِبْرِيت m

matchdevice to make fire


كِبْرِيتَات الزِنْك m

zinc sulphateZnSO4


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