العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

بِن meaning in بالإنجليزية

بِن m

benson of


perin accordance with

بِنَاء f

buildingact or process of building

buildingclosed structure with walls and a roof

constructionprocess of constructing


بِنَاء m


بِنَاء جُمْلَة m

syntaxset of rules that govern how words are combined

بِنَايَة f

buildingclosed structure with walls and a roof

بِنَايَة m



successfullyin a successful manner


activelyin an active manner

بِنِسِلِين m


بِنْت f

daughterfemale offspring

girlyoung female person

بِنْت اَلْأَخ f

fraternal niecebrother's daughter

بِنْت اَلْأُخْت f

sororal niecesister’s daughter

بِنْت خَال f

cousinchild of a person’s parent’s brother or sister

بِنْت خَالَة f

cousinchild of a person’s parent’s brother or sister

بِنْت زِنًى f

bastardperson born to unmarried parents

بِنْت عَمَّة f

cousinchild of a person’s parent’s brother or sister

بِنْت عَمّ f

cousinchild of a person’s parent’s brother or sister

بِنْتُ أَخٍ f

niecefraternal or sororal niece|fraternal niece|sororal niece

بِنْتُ أُخْتٍ f

niecefraternal or sororal niece|fraternal niece|sororal niece

بِنْتُو m

bentoa Japanese packed lunch

bentoa Japanese packed lunch


daughterlyof or characteristic of daughters

بِنْتْلِي m

BentleyBritish car

BentleyBritish car


Bizertecity in Tunisia

بِنْزُوَات الصُّودِيُوم m

sodium benzoatethe sodium salt of benzoic acid

بِنْس m

penny1/100 of a pound sterling or British pound

بِنْسِلْفِينْيَا f

PennsylvaniaUS state

بِنْسِيلْفَانِيَا f

PennsylvaniaUS state

بِنْش m

benchweightlifting: horizontal padded surface with a weight rack

بِنْصِر m

ring fingerfinger between the middle finger and little finger

بِنْطال m

slacksSemi-formal trousers not part of a suit

بِنْطَال m

pantsgarment covering the body from the waist downwards

بِنْغَازِي m

BenghaziBenghazi, Libya

بِنْيَامِين m

Benjaminmale given name


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