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بُحَيْرَة meaning in بالإنجليزية

بُحَيْرَة f

vegetable gardenvegetable garden

بُحَيْرَة أَرْجِيش f


بُحَيْرَة أُونْتَارْيُو f

Lake Ontariothe lake|Ontario

بُحَيْرَة أُوْنِيغَا f

Onegaa lake in Russia

بُحَيْرَة إِرِي f

Lake Eriethe lake

بُحَيْرَة الطِرِّيخ f


بُحَيْرَة بَايْكَال f

Baikala large lake in Russia

بُحَيْرَة جِنِيف f

Lake GenevaLake Geneva in Europe

بُحَيْرَة سُوبِيرِيوُر f

Lake Superiorthe lake

بُحَيْرَة سْكِيُوتَارِي

Lake Skadarlargest lake in the Balkans

بُحَيْرَة طَبَرِيَّة f

Sea of Galileelake in northern Israel

بُحَيْرَة فِيكْتُورِيَا f

Lake VictoriaAfrican lake

بُحَيْرَة كومو f

Lake Comolake in Italy

بُحَيْرَة كُوْنْسْتْاَنْس f

Lake Constancelake on the Rhein located at the intersection of Germany, Switzerland and Austria

بُحَيْرَة لِيْمْاَن f

Lake GenevaLake Geneva in Europe

بُحَيْرَة مِلْحَة f

salt lakebody of water with a high concentration of salts

بُحَيْرَة مِيشِيغَان f

Lake Michiganone of the five Great Lakes

بُحَيْرَة هُرُون f

Lake Huronthe lake

بُحَيْرَة وَان f


الْبُحَيْرَة الْمَالِحَة الْكُبْرَى f

Great Salt Lakesaltwater lake

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