العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

بَاب meaning in بالإنجليزية

بَاب m

chaptersection in a book

doorportal of entry into a building, room or vehicle

بَاب اَلْمَنْدَب

Bab el Mandebstrait

بَاب خَلْفِيّ m

back doorsubsidiary entrance to building

بَابَا m

dadinformal: a father


popehead of the Roman Catholic Church

بَابَا غَنُّوج m

baba ganoushMiddle Eastern dish made from a purée of roasted aubergine, garlic, and tahini

بَابَا نُوِيل m

Santa Clausfictional figure

بَابَا يَاجَا f

Baba Yagahag in Slavic mythology who flies in a mortar

Baba Yagahag in Slavic mythology who flies in a mortar

بَابَا يَاغَا f

Baba Yagahag in Slavic mythology who flies in a mortar

Baba Yagahag in Slavic mythology who flies in a mortar

بَابَارَاتْزِي m

paparazzofreelance photographer of celebrities

بَابَاي m

Popeyetough cartoon sailor

بَابَايَا f


بَابُوج m

slipperlow shoe slipped on and off easily

بَابُوش m

baboucheTurkish or oriental slipper

بَابُون m


بَابُونَج m

camomile''Matricaria recutita''

بَابِل f

Babyloniaancient region and empire of southern Mesopotamia

بَابِلُ m

Babyloncapital of Babylonia

بَابِنْبُورْغ f

Papenburgcity in Lower Saxony

بَابِيرُوسَة f

babirusaa member of the genus ''Babyrousa''

بَابْرِكَا f

paprikaground spice

بَابْرِيكَا f

paprikaground spice

بَابْوَا f

Papuathe southern part of Papua New Guinea

بَابْوَا غِينِيَّا الْجَدِيدَة f

Papua New Guineaid=Q691|country in Oceania

بَابْوَا نْيُو غِينِيَّا f

Papua New Guineaid=Q691|country in Oceania

أَبَابِيل m


أَبُو حِبَاب m

baobab''Adansonia digitata''

أَدِيس أَبَابَا f

Addis Ababacapital of Ethiopia

الضَّبَاب الدُّخَانِيّ m

smogurban air pollution

اَلطَّيْرُ الأَبَابِيل m


اِنْصِبَاب m

effusionoutpouring of liquid

بَاوْبَاب m

baobab''Adansonia digitata''

بَيْت اَلشَّبَاب m

youth hostelan inexpensive supervised lodging place, primarily for young people

بُرْج بَابِل

Tower of Babeltower erected at Babel

بُوحِبَاب m

baobab''Adansonia digitata''

ثَقْب اَلْبَاب
