العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

ال meaning in بالإنجليزية

النزعَة إلى الخير m

benevolencedisposition to do good

النسر الطائر


النصف الآخر

significant otherromantic partner, regardless of marital status

النظام الأساسي m

basic lawconstitutional law


criticalinclined to find fault

النقد الساخر

sarcasmderision, facetiousness

النَادِي اللَيْلِيّ m

nightclubestablishment that is open late at night

النَزْعَة المَرْكَزِيَّة

central tendency

النَّار f

hellabode for the condemned

النَّاصِرَة f

Nazaretha city in northern Israel



النَّجْدَة f

helpcry of distress

النَّرُوج f

Norwayid=Q20|Scandinavian country

النَّفِير الْعَامّ m

mobilizationmarshalling of troops and national resources in preparation for war

النَّقَب f

Negeva desert in southern Israel

النَّمْسَا f

Austriaid=Q40|country in Central Europe

النَّمْسَا وَٱلْمَجَر f

Austria-Hungaryid=Q28513|former country in Central Europe

النَّهْر الكَبِير m

Guadalquivirriver in southern Spain

النَّوْرَس أَسْوَد الظَّهْر الصَغِير

lesser black-backed gullLarus fuscus

النُّرْوِيج f

Norwayid=Q20|Scandinavian country

Norwayid=Q20|Scandinavian country

النُّسْطُورِيَّة f

NestorianismChristological doctrine

النُّوبَة f

Nubiaancient kingdom

النِّسْبَة الْمِئَوِيَّة f

percentagepart of a whole

النِّمْسَا f

Austriaid=Q40|country in Central Europe

النِّيجَر f


الهلال الخصيب m

Fertile Crescentcrescent-shaped arc of fertile land

الهندسة المدنية

civil engineeringtechnical design and construction of public works and/or equivalent private ones

الهَاوِيَة f

Gehennawhere the wicked go

الواقع المعزز

augmented realitymerging of a view of the real-world environment upon a digital image


adieua farewell

الوعي بلا اختيار

choiceless awarenessthe state of unpremeditated, complete awareness of the present without preference, effort, or compulsion

الوَادِي الكَبِير m

Guadalquivirriver in southern Spain

الوَخْز بِالْإِبْر f

acupunctureinsertion of needles for remedial purposes

الوَهْج المُسْتَنْقعيّ

will o' the wispstrange light

اليمين البديل m

alt-rightgroup of right-wing ideologies

اليَرْمُوك m

Yarmouka river in the Middle East

اليَقَظةُ الدَّوائِيَّة

pharmacovigilancedetection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects of medicines

اليُونَانِيَّة f

Greeklanguage of the Greek people

الَّتِي f-s

whomrelative pronoun (object)