العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

إِلِكْتْرُونِيّ meaning in بالإنجليزية


electronicof or pertaining to the Internet

electronicof or pertaining to the Internet

electronicpertaining to electrons

الِاثْنَيْن الْإِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m

Cyber Mondaythe Monday after Thanksgiving, regarded as a day when many people shop online

بَرِيد إِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m

emailsystem for transferring messages from one computer to another

رِسَالَة إِلِكْتْرُونِيّّة f

emailmessage sent through email an email system

عُنْوَان بَرِيد إِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m

e-mail addressunique identifier

عِنْوَان بَرِيد إِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m

e-mail addressunique identifier

قَارِئ اَلْكِتَاب اَلْإِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m


كِتَاب إِلِكْتْرُونِيّ m

e-bookelectronic book