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mother teresa meaning in العربية

Teresa female given name


mother tongue one's native tongue

لُغَة أُمّf

لُغَة أُولَىf

لُغَة قَوْمِيَّةf

single mother a woman raising a child on her own

أُم عَزْبَاء

surrogate mother woman who gives birth to a child not her own

أُمّ بَدِيلَةf

queen mother widowed queen consort whose son or daughter from that marriage is the reigning monarch

الْمَلِكَة الْأُمّf

mother-in-law spouse's mother


Mother of God Mary, mother of Jesus, as the mother of God or God-bearer|Mary|Theotokos|Our Lady|Queen of Heaven|Virgin Mary

أُمُّ اللهِ

ام الالهf

والدة الإلهf

والِدةُ اللهِ

mother-of-pearl pearly layer

أُمّ اللَّآلِئf


عِرْق اللُّؤْلُؤm

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