إنجليزي-العربية قاموس »

blackest meaning in العربية

Results: black
I'd rather look for this: blackest
black belt highest belt color in various martial arts

حِزَام أَسْوَدm

black-bibbed tit ''Poecile hypermelaenus''

قرقف أسود الصدر

black bile


black box recorders in an aircraft

صُنْدُوق أَسْوَدm

black box theoretical construct or device

صُنْدُوق أَسْوَدm

black caraway ''Nigella sativa''|nigella


كَمُّون أَسْوَدm

black caraway spice

حَبَّةُ سَوْدَاءُm



كَمُّون أَسْوَدm

black cat black-furred cat

القطة السوداء

black coffee coffee served without cream or milk

قَهْوَة سَوْدَاءf

black-crowned night heron ''Nycticorax nycticorax''

غُرَاب اللَيْل أَسْوَد التَاج

Black Death 14th century pandemic outbreak

مَوْت أَسْوَدm

black eye bruised eye

عَيْن سَوْدَاءf

black-eyed pea cowpea bean, the produce of the aforementioned plant




black-eyed pea cowpea plant ''Vigna unguiculata'' or ''Vigna unguiculata'' subsp. ''unguiculata''




Black Forest German forest and mountain range

الْغَابَة السَّوْدَاءf

Black Forest gâteau type of gâteau originating in the Black Forest region of Germany

كَعْكَة الْبْلَاك فُورِسْتf

Black Friday sales period involving heavy price reductions

الجُمُعَة الْبَيْضَاءf

الْجُمُعَة السَّوْدَاءf

black-headed gull ''Chroicocephalus ridibundus''

نورس اسود الرأس

black hole celestial body

ثُقْب أَسْوَدm

black ice invisible film of ice

جَلِيد أَسْوَدm

black locust ''Robinia pseudoacacia''

سَنْطٌ كَاذِبٌm

شَجَرَةُ الْجَرَادِf

black magic magic derived from evil forces

سِحْر أَسْوَدm

black market trade that is in violation of restrictions, rationing or price controls

سُوق سَوْدَاءf

black nightshade ''Solanum nigrum''

عِنَب الثَعْلَبm

عِنَب الذِئْبm

مَغْد أَسْوَدm

black pepper spice

فِلْفِل أَسْوَدm

black rhinoceros ''Diceros bicornis''

وحيد القرن الأسود

Black Sea an inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor

الْبَحْر الْأَسْوَدm

بَحْرُ نِيطَشm


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