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диана означает в английский

Диана proper noun

Diana(Roman goddess)
proper noun
[UK: daɪ.ˈæ.nə] [US: daˈjæ.nə]

Гвадиана proper noun

Guadiana(river in Spain and Portugal)
proper noun

Индиана proper noun

Indiana(US state)
proper noun
[UK: ˌɪn.dɪ.ˈæ.nə] [US: ˌɪn.di.ˈæ.nə]

Индианаполис proper noun

Indianapolis(capital of the State of Indiana, USA)
proper noun
[UK: ˌɪn.diːə.ˈnæ.pə.lɪs] [US: ˌɪn.diə.ˈnæ.pə.ˌlɪs]

медиана noun

median [medians](geometry: line segment joining vertex and midpoint of opposing side)
[UK: ˈmiː.dɪən] [US: ˈmiː.diən]

Согдиана proper noun

Sogdiana(an ancient Iranian-speaking civilization)
proper noun