английско-български речник »

saint означава в български

saint (formally recognize as a saint)
[UK: seɪnt]
[US: ˈseɪnt]


saint [saints] (person proclaimed as saint)
[UK: seɪnt]
[US: ˈseɪnt]


Saint Andrew's cross (cross that has a form of two intersecting oblique bars)

Андреевския кръстnoun

Saint Barbara (saint)
proper noun
[UK: seɪnt ˈbɑː.brə]
[US: ˈseɪnt ˈbɑːr.bə.rə]

Света Варвараproper noun

Saint George (Patron saint of England and several other places)
proper noun

Свети Георгиproper noun

Saint Kitts and Nevis (a country in the Caribbean)
proper noun
[UK: seɪnt ˈkɪts ənd ˈne.vəs]
[US: ˈseɪnt ˈkɪts ænd ˈne.vəs]

Сейнт Китс и Невисproper noun

Saint Lucia (country in the Caribbean)
proper noun
[UK: seɪnt ˈluː.ʃə]
[US: ˈseɪnt ˈluː.ʃə]

Сейнт Лусияproper noun

Saint Mary (the mother of Jesus Christ)
proper noun

Дева Марияproper noun

Светата Майкаproper noun

Saint Michael (equivalent of Saint Michael)
proper noun

Свети Михаилproper noun

Saint Nicholas (4th-century Greek bishop, patron of children and mariners)
proper noun

Свети Николайproper noun

Saint Petersburg (city in Russia)
proper noun
[UK: seɪnt ˈpiː.tərz.bərɡ]
[US: ˈseɪnt ˈpiː.tərz.bərɡ]

Санкт Петербургproper noun

sainthood (state of being a saint)
[UK: ˈseɪnt.hʊd]
[US: ˈseɪnt.ˌhʊd]


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement)
proper noun

Църква на Исус Христос на светиите от последните дниproper noun

perseverance of the saints (Calvinist doctrine)

устояване на светиитеnoun

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