Английский-Немецкий словарь »

lymph означает в немецкий



B lymphocytes noun

die B-Lymphozyten◼◼◼Substantiv



biopsy of the scalene lymph nodes noun

die SkalenusbiopsieSubstantiv

bronchopulmonary lymph node noun

der BronchiallymphknotenSubstantiv

Burkitt's lymphoma noun

das Burkitt-Lymphom◼◼◼Substantiv

calcification of a lymph node noun

die LymphknotenverkalkungSubstantiv

centroblastic lymphoma noun

das ZentroblastomSubstantiv

cervical lymph node noun

der HalslymphknotenSubstantiv

chlorolymphosarcoma noun

das ChlorolymphomSubstantiv

das ChlorolymphosarkomSubstantiv

cholestasis lymphoedema syndrome noun

das Aagenaes-SyndromSubstantiv

endolymph noun

die Endolymphe◼◼◼Substantiv

endolymphahc duct noun

der EndolymphgangSubstantiv



hilar lymphnodes noun

der HiluslymphknotenSubstantiv

karyolymph noun

die KaryolympheSubstantiv

mesenteric lymph node tuberculosis noun

die MesenteriallyphknotentuberkulSubstantiv

mesenteric lymphadenitis noun

die MesenteriallymphadenitisSubstantiv

mesenteric lymphnodes tuberculosis noun

die MesenteriallymphknotentuberkSubstantiv

mixed lymphocyte culture noun

die LymphozytenmischkulturSubstantiv

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma noun

das Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom◼◼◼Substantiv

perilymph noun

die PerilympheSubstantiv

perilymphadenitis noun

die PerilymphadenitisSubstantiv

perilymphangitis noun

die PerilymphangitisSubstantiv

prolymphocyte noun

der ProlymphozytSubstantiv

prolymphocytic leukemia noun

die ProlymphozytenleukämieSubstantiv

reticulolymphosarcoma noun

das RetikulolymphosarkomSubstantiv

solitary lymph nodules noun

der SolitärfollikelSubstantiv

swelling of a lymph node noun

die LymphknotenschwellungSubstantiv

T lymphocyte noun

der T-Lymphozyt◼◼◼Substantiv

T lymphocytes noun

die T-Lymphozyten◼◼◼Substantiv

thoracic lymph node noun

der BrustlymphknotenSubstantiv

thymic alymphoplasia noun

die ThymusalymphoplasieSubstantiv

tuberculosis of bronchial lymph nodes


tuberculous lymphadenitis noun

die LymphknotentuberkuloseSubstantiv

viral lymphadenitis noun

die ViruslymphadenitisSubstantiv


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