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büyük anlamı ingilizce

büyük noun

capital letternoun
[UK: ˈkæ.pɪ.təl ˈle.tə(r)] [US: ˈkæ.pə.təl ˈle.tər]

number twonoun
[UK: ˈnʌm.bə(r) ˈtuː] [US: ˈnʌm.br̩ ˈtuː]

büyük adjective

great [greater, greatest](very big, large scale)
[UK: ˈɡreɪt] [US: ˈɡreɪt]

büyük amiral noun

admiral of the fleet(top naval rank)
[UK: ˈæd.mə.rəl əv ðə fliːt] [US: ˈæd.mə.rəl əv ðə ˈfliːt]

Büyük Antiller proper noun

Greater Antilles(Caribbean islands)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɡreɪt.ə(r) æn.ˈtɪ.liz] [US: ˈɡreɪt.ər æn.ˈtɪ.liz]

büyük ay proper noun

January(first month of the Gregorian calendar)
proper noun
[UK: ˈdʒæ.njʊ.ri] [US: ˈdʒæ.njuː.ˌe.ri]

Büyük Ayı proper noun

Big Dipper(bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky)
proper noun

Ursa Major(large circumpolar constellation of the northern sky)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɜː.sə ˈmeɪ.dʒə(r)] [US: ˈɝː.sə ˈmeɪ.dʒər]

büyük beyaz köpekbalığı noun

great white shark(Carcharodon carcharias)
[UK: ˈɡreɪt waɪt ʃɑːk] [US: ˈɡreɪt ˈwaɪt ˈʃɑːrk]

Büyük Britanya proper noun

Great Britain(island)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɡreɪt ˈbrɪt.n̩] [US: ˈɡreɪt ˈbrɪt.n̩]

Büyük Britanya Birleşik Krallığı proper noun

United Kingdom of Great Britainproper noun

Büyük Britanya Krallığı proper noun

Kingdom of Great Britainproper noun

Büyük Britanya ve Kuzey İrlanda Birleşik Krallığı proper noun

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandproper noun
[UK: ju.ˈnaɪt.ɪd ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈɡreɪt ˈbrɪt.n̩ ənd ˈnɔː.ðən ˈaɪə.lənd] [US: ju.ˈnaɪt.əd ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈɡreɪt ˈbrɪt.n̩ ænd ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˈaɪər.lənd]

Büyük Britanya ve İrlanda Birleşik Krallığı proper noun

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Irelandproper noun

büyük ekran noun

big screen(surface)

büyük eksen noun

semimajor axis(Half of the major axis of a circle or ellipse)

Büyük Ermenistan proper noun

Greater Armeniaproper noun

Büyük Göller proper noun

Great Lakes(a group of five lakes on the United States–Canada border)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɡreɪt leɪks] [US: ˈɡreɪt ˈleɪks]

büyük günah noun

mortal sin(grave sin)
[UK: ˈmɔːt.l̩ sɪn] [US: ˈmɔːr.tl̩ ˈsɪn]

büyük güç noun

great power(powerful state)

büyük harf noun

capital letternoun
[UK: ˈkæ.pɪ.təl ˈle.tə(r)] [US: ˈkæ.pə.təl ˈle.tər]

Büyük Harp proper noun

Great War(epithet for World War I)
proper noun

büyük kan dolaşımı noun

systemic circulation(part of blood circulation)

büyük kara sırtlı martı noun

great black-backed gull [great black-backed gulls](Larus marinus)
[UK: ˈɡreɪt blæk bækt ɡʌl] [US: ˈɡreɪt ˈblæk ˈbækt ˈɡəl]

büyük kum kuşu noun

red knot(the bird Calidris canutus)

Büyük Köpek proper noun

Canis Major(winter constellation of the northern sky)
proper noun

Büyük Londra proper noun

Greater London(administrative area)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɡreɪt.ə(r) ˈlʌn.dən] [US: ˈɡreɪt.ər ˈlʌn.dən]

büyük mağara noun

cavern [caverns](large cave)
[UK: ˈkæ.vən] [US: ˈkæ.vərn]

büyük mağaza noun

department store [department stores](store containing many departments)
[UK: dɪ.ˈpɑːt.mənt.ˈstɔː] [US: dɪ.ˈpɑːt.mənt.ˈstɔː]

büyük mersin noun

beluga(fish, Huso huso)
[UK: bə.ˈluː.ɡə] [US: bə.ˈluː.ɡə]

Büyük Okyanus proper noun

Pacific Ocean(the world's largest body of water)
proper noun
[UK: pə.ˈsɪ.fɪk ˈəʊʃ.n̩] [US: pə.ˈsɪ.fɪk ˈoʊʃ.n̩]

Büyük Oyun proper noun

Great Game(the strategic rivalry and conflict)
proper noun

büyük patlama noun

big bang(explosion creating a universe)
[UK: bɪɡ bæŋ] [US: ˈbɪɡ ˈbæŋ]

Büyük Perhiz noun

Lent(Christian period of penitence before Easter)
[UK: lent] [US: ˈlent]

Büyük Rusya proper noun

Great Russia(the territories of "Russia proper")
proper noun

Büyük Sahra proper noun

proper noun
[UK: sə.ˈhe.rə] [US: sə.ˈhe.rə]

büyük su çulluğu noun

great snipe(Gallinago media)

büyük tuvalet noun

number twonoun
[UK: ˈnʌm.bə(r) ˈtuː] [US: ˈnʌm.br̩ ˈtuː]

Büyük Tuz Gölü proper noun

Great Salt Lake(saltwater lake)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɡreɪt sɔːlt leɪk] [US: ˈɡreɪt ˈsɒlt ˈleɪk]

büyük ve küçük harfe duyarlı adjective

case sensitive(distinguishing upper- and lower-case letters)

