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testamento znamená v Angličtina

testamento noun

bequest [bequests](will of the deceased)
[UK: bɪ.ˈkwest] [US: bɪ.ˈkwest]

testament [testaments](document containing a person's will)
[UK: ˈte.stə.mənt] [US: ˈte.stə.mənt]
The New Testament is the second part of the Bible. = Il Nuovo Testamento è la seconda parte della Bibbia.

testamento biologico noun

living will(document giving durable power of attorney to a surrogate decision-maker for healthcare purposes)

Antico Testamento proper noun

Old Testament(first half of the Christian Bible)
proper noun
[UK: əʊld ˈte.stə.mənt] [US: oʊld ˈte.stə.mənt]

biotestamento noun

living will(document giving durable power of attorney to a surrogate decision-maker for healthcare purposes)

Nuovo Testamento proper noun

New Testament(second half of the Christian Bible)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈte.stə.mənt] [US: nuː ˈte.stə.mənt]

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