Spanska | Engelska |
precio noun {m} | fare [fares]noun price [prices](cost required to gain possession of something) |
precio de demanda noun | bidding price(a price offered by a buyer/bidder) |
precio de la sangre noun {m} | wergeld(reparative payment) |
precio de mercado noun {m} | market price(going price) |
precio de oferta noun {m} | asking price(list or sticker price of an item) |
precio de venta noun {m} | asking price(list or sticker price of an item) |
precio de venta al público noun {m} | retail price(price that customers pay for goods in stores) |
preciosidad noun {f} | beauty [beauties](quality of pleasing appearance) preciousness(the condition of being precious) |
precioso adjective | cute [cuter, cutest](having features mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals) dear [dearer, dearest](precious to or greatly valued by someone) precious(of high value or worth) |
preciosura noun {f} | beauty [beauties](quality of pleasing appearance) preciousness(the condition of being precious) |
a cualquier precio preposition | at all costs(sparing no effort) |
desplomarse el precio verb | nosedive(To perform a rapid fall in price or value) |
desplome de precio noun {m} | nosedive [nosedives](A rapid fall in price or value) |
desprecio noun {m} | contempt(a feeling or attitude) disdain(feeling of contempt or scorn) scorn [scorns](contempt, disdain) |
etiqueta de precio noun {f} | price tag(the tag or sticker attached to a product, displaying its price) |
guerra de precios noun {f} | price war(repeated undercutting of prices) |
metal precioso noun {m} | precious metal(metallic element with high economic value) |
piedra preciosa noun {f} | gem [gems](precious stone) gemstone(gem) precious stone(gem) rock [rocks](precious stone or gem) |
semiprecioso adjective | semi-precious(sort of or somewhat precious or valuable) |
sobreprecio noun {f} | surcharge [surcharges](excessive price) |
índice de precios al consumo noun {m} | consumer price index(statistical estimate of the level of prices) |
índice de precios al productor noun {m} | producer price index(statistical estimate) |