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médula bedeutet auf Englisch

médula noun

pith(soft spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees)
[UK: pɪθ] [US: ˈpɪθ]

médula noun

bone marrownoun
[UK: bəʊn ˈmæ.rəʊ] [US: ˈboʊn ˈmero.ʊ]

marrow [marrows](substance inside bones)
[UK: ˈmæ.rəʊ] [US: ˈmero.ʊ]

medulla [medullas](the inner substance of various organs and structures, especially the marrow of bones)
[UK: mə.ˈdə.lə] [US: mə.ˈdə.lə]
Central nervous system consists of brain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata and spinal cord. = El sistema nervioso central consiste en cerebro, cerebelo, médula oblonga y médula espinal.

médula espinal noun

spinal cord [spinal cords](thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue)
[UK: ˈspaɪn.l̩ kɔːd] [US: ˈspaɪn.l̩ ˈkɔːrd]

médula oblonga noun

medulla oblongata [medullae oblongatae](lower portion of the brainstem)
[UK: mə.ˈdə.lə] [US: mə.ˈdə.lə]

médula oblongada noun

medulla oblongata [medullae oblongatae](lower portion of the brainstem)
[UK: mə.ˈdə.lə] [US: mə.ˈdə.lə]

médula ósea noun

bone marrownoun
[UK: bəʊn ˈmæ.rəʊ] [US: ˈboʊn ˈmero.ʊ]

mojado hasta la médula adjective

soaked to the skinadjective