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torres znamená v Angličtina

Torres proper noun

Towers(equivalent surnames)
proper noun
[UK: ˈtaʊəz] [US: ˈtaʊərz]
The Eiffel Tower is taller than the towers of the Cologne Cathedral. = La torre Eiffel es más alta que las torres de la catedral de Colonia.

Torres Gemelas proper noun

Twin Towers(the two main buildings of the World Trade Center)
proper noun
[UK: twɪn ˈtaʊəz] [US: ˈtwɪn ˈtaʊərz]

autorrespeto noun

self-respect(knowledge of one's own worth)
[UK: self rɪ.ˈspekt] [US: ˈself rə.ˈspekt]

estrecho de Torres proper noun

Torres Strait(a strait between Australia and New Guinea)
proper noun

História vyhľadávania