Španielčina | Angličtina |
raro adjective | bizarre(strangely unconventional) curious(leading one to ask questions about; somewhat odd, out of the ordinary, or unusual) dodgy [dodgier, dodgiest](weird) funny [funnier, funniest](strange; unusual) odd [odder, oddest](strange) peculiar(out of the ordinary) queer [queerer, queerest](weird, odd, different) rare [rarer, rarest](very uncommon) strange [stranger, strangest](not normal) uncommon(rare; not readily found; unusual) weird [weirder, weirdest](having an unusually strange character or behaviour) |
rarotongano proper noun {m} | Cook Islands Maori(official language of the Cook Islands) |
bicho raro noun {m} | strange bird(an unusual person) |
espécimen raro noun {m} | sport [sports](abnormal plant or animal) |
más raro que un perro verde adjective | queer as a clockwork orangeadjective |
pájaro raro noun | rara avis [rarae aves](rare or unique, and thus outstanding or unusual, person or thing) |
traro noun {m} | southern crested caracara(South American bird) |