Španielčina | Angličtina |
pena verb | regret [regretted, regretting, regrets](feel sorry about some past thing) |
pena noun {f} | embarrassment [embarrassments](state of discomfort) grief [griefs](sadness) heartache [heartaches](very sincere and difficult emotional problems or stress) penalty [penalties](legal sentence) pity(something regrettable) sentence [sentences](punishment imposed on a person convicted of a crime, see also: punishment) shame(something to regret) sorrow [sorrows](unhappiness) trouble [troubles]noun woe [woes](grief; sorrow; misery; heavy calamity) |
pena capital noun {f} | capital punishment(punishment by death, see also: death penalty) |
pena de muerte noun {f} | death penalty [death penalties](state punishment of death, see also: capital punishment) |
penacho noun {m} | panache(ornamental helmet plume) tuft [tufts](bunch) |
penado noun | yardbird(person who is imprisoned) |
penal noun | penalty kick(soccer: form of direct free kick) |
penal noun {m} | jail [jails](place for short-term confinement) |
penalidades noun {f-Pl} | hardship [hardships](difficulty or trouble) |
penalización noun {f} | forfeit [forfeits](penalty) |
penalizar verb | criminalize(to make something be a crime) penalize [penalized, penalizing, penalizes](to subject to a penalty) |
penalmente adverb | penally(according to a penal code) |
penalti noun {m} | penalty kick(soccer: form of direct free kick) shotgun wedding(wedding in which the bride is pregnant) |
penalti a lo Panenka noun {m} | Panenkanoun |
penar verb | suffer [suffered, suffering, suffers](undergo hardship) |
a duras penas adverb | hardly(barely, only just) |
ahogar las penas verb | drown one's sorrows(to drink alcohol heavily to deal with miserable feelings) |
alma en pena noun {f} | lost soul(a person lacking direction or motivation in life) |
antecedentes penales noun {m-Pl} | criminal record(a record of past crimes) |
apenado adjective | ashamed(feeling shame or guilt) shamefaced(bashful or ashamed) sorry [sorrier, sorriest](grieved, saddened) |
apenar verb | pain [pained, paining, pains](to hurt; to put to bodily uneasiness or anguish) sadden [saddened, saddening, saddens](make sad or unhappy) |
apenas adverb | barely(by a small margin) hardly(barely, only just) only(as recently as) scarcely(almost not, by a small margin) |