słownik Polsko-Angielski »

woj w języku angielskim

weteran (wojenny) noun

war veterannoun
person who has served in the armed forces during a war

wielka wojna ojczyźniana noun

Great Patriotic Warnoun
the war between the USSR and Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945

więzienie wojskowe noun

military prisonnoun
prison operated by the military

wsadzać nos w nie swoje sprawy

stick one nose into other people's business

wszystko ma swój powód

everything happens for a reason

wtrącać swoje trzy grosze

add one's two cents

add one's twopenn'orth

wydalony z wojska noun

dishonorable dischargenoun

wyglądać na swój wiek verb

look one's ageverb

wypowiadać wojverb

declare warverb
initiate a state of war

wypowiedzenie wojny noun

declaration of warnoun
a formal announcement by an entity that it is in a state of war with another entity

wypowiedzieć wojverb

declare warverb
initiate a state of war

wyprzedzać swoje czasy

ahead of one's timein advance of commonly accepted ideas

wziąć pod swoje skrzydła

take under one's wing

wziąć sprawy w swoje ręce verb

take matters into one's own handsverb

zakopać topór wojenny verb

bury the hatchetverb
to stop fighting or arguing

zasoby wojenne noun

war machinenoun

zawój noun

man's head-dress

woman's hat

heraldry: support of a crest

zbrodnia wojenna noun

war crimenoun
offense for violations of the law of war

zbrodniarz wojenny noun

war criminalnoun
person guilty of war crimes

zdwojony adjective


zimna wojna noun

cold warnoun
a period of hostile relations

Cold Warnoun
period of hostility short of open war between the Soviet Bloc and the Western powers, 1945–1991

znać jak swoje dziesięć palców

know intimately

znać jak swoje pięć palców

know something like the palm of the hand

zrobić swoje verb

do one's bitverb
to make an individual contribution toward an overall effort

zrównoważony rozwój noun

sustainable developmentnoun
development seeking to economic growth while ensuring future generations' ability to do the same, by not exceeding natural regenerative capacity

zwój noun

something wound

collection of nerve cell bodies outside the brain

a scroll

roll of paper or parchment

zwój nerwowy noun

collection of nerve cell bodies outside the brain

zwojnica noun

impedance coilnoun
a coil of wire designed to provide impedance in an electric circuit

zwojować verb

pull offverb
To achieve; to succeed at something difficult

życie we dwoje noun

state or quality


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