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trzecia w języku angielskim

trzecia noun

person or thing in the third position

trzecia adjective

the ordinal form of the cardinal number three

trzecia droga noun

third waynoun
approach or solution which strives for an alternative to or middle ground between two opposing viewpoints

trzecia kopia noun

each of a set of three identical objects

trzecia kwadra noun

last quarternoun
the waning lunar phase halfway between full moon and new moon

trzecia osoba noun

third personnoun
the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is not the audience or the one making the statement

Trzecia Rzesza noun

Third Reichnoun
Germany under the Nazi regime

trzecia wojna światowa

World War III

dwudziesta trzecia

11 PM

osoba trzecia noun

third partynoun
someone not directly involved in a transaction.