słownik Polsko-Angielski »

trzeba w języku angielskim


it be necessary to

one ought to

trzeba spokojnie odczekać verb

wait and seeverb
to await the course of events

do tanga trzeba dwojga

it takes two to tangosome things need the active cooperation of two parties

dzieci trzeba trzymać krótko

spare the rod and spoil the childif one does not discipline a child he or she will never learn respect or humility

jeśli się powiedziało A, to trzeba powiedzieć B

in for a penny, in for a poundExpressing recognition that one must, having started something, see it through to its end, rather than stopping short thereof

potrzeba noun

quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite

lack of means of subsistence

something required


potrzeba jest matką wynalazków

necessity is the mother of inventiona person in need will find a way

reszty nie trzeba

keep the changeinstruction to keep the change