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ojciec w języku angielskim

ojciec noun

male parent

term of address for a Christian priest

term of address for a priest

ojciec adjective

senior, post-nomial title used by a father sharing the same name as the son

ojciec adopcyjny noun

adoptive fathernoun
man who has adopted a child

ojciec chrzestny noun

mafia leader

man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner

Ojciec Czas noun

Father Timenoun
Personification of time

Ojciec Kościoła noun

Church Fathernoun
authoritative ancient male Christian author

ojciec narodu noun

father of the nationnoun

ojciec ojczyzny noun

father of the nationnoun

ojciec założyciel noun

founding fathernoun
man who founded something

Bóg Ojciec noun

God the Fathernoun
person of the Trinity

Holy Fathernoun
God or God the Father

duchowy ojciec

spiritual father

jaki ojciec, taki syn

like father, like sona son will have traits similar to his father

jakie drzewo, taki klin, jaki ojciec, taki syn

like father, like sona son will have traits similar to his father

mąż i ojciec noun

family mannoun
adult male with a spouse and children to whose well-being he is dedicated




wykapany ojciec noun

chip off the old blocknoun
someone who takes after a parent