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mi w języku angielskim

mieć powyżej uszu

have it up to here

have it up to one's ears

mieć powyżej uszu verb

have had itverb
to have endured all that one can

mieć pustkę w głowie verb

draw a blankverb
being unable to recall a piece of information

mieć rację

to be correct

to be right

mieć rację verb

be rightverb
be correct in one's judgement or statement about something

mieć robaki w dupie

have ants in one's pants

mieć sens verb

hold the roadverb

hold waterverb
withstand scrutiny

mieć serce na dłoni verb

wear one's heart on one's sleeveverb
to be transparent or forthright about one's emotions

mieć się verb

to get along

mieć się na baczności verb

keep one's eyes peeledverb
to be watchful

mieć się na baczności adjective

on guardadjective
on alert, vigilant

mieć skłonność verb

to be probable or likely

mieć słabą głowę

be weak-headed

mieć słuszność verb

be rightverb
be correct in one's judgement or statement about something

mieć spóźniony zapłon adjective

slow on the uptakeadjective
slow to comprehend

mieć swoje lata noun

no spring chickennoun
person who is no longer particularly young

mieć trudny wybór adjective

spoilt for choiceadjective
having many good choices

mieć uczucie verb

transitive: to think or believe

mieć w dupie

not give a shit

mieć w dupie verb

give a shitverb
to (not) care

mieć w garści

have in one's grip

have in the palm of one's hand

hold in one's hand

mieć w garści verb

have someone in the palm of one's handverb
to have full control over someone

mieć w małym palcu

have at one's fingertips

mieć w nosie

not give a hoot

mieć własne zdanie verb

have a mind of one's ownverb

mieć wszystkich w domu adjective

all thereadjective
negative form, "not all there": mentally incompetent

mieć wypisane na czole

have written all over one's face

mieć zasięg verb

to extend through a time period

mieć złą prasę

have a bad rap

mieć złamane serce adjective

grieved and disappointed

mieć znaczenie verb

to be important

mieć znajomości

have connections

miech noun

air blower

miechunka noun

plant of the genus Physalis

miechunka peruwiańska noun

cape gooseberrynoun